Posts tagged palmers
The Best Hair Oils for 4C Natural Hair

Whether you choose to use hair oils as a prepoo (pre-shampoo treatment), sealant or shine booster, read on for some of my favourite hair oils for 4c natural afro hair and how to make the most out of your hair oils to help boost overall hair health.

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Best Products of 2019 for 4C Hair

Last year, I had the chance to try out and discover a few new natural hair products so I’ve compiled a quick round-up of my faves from 2019. These all worked great on my natural 4c hair and I plan to continue using them this year on my journey of length retention and healthy hair.

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Palmer's Natural Fusions Hair Range Review

I’ve been using the “new new” Palmer’s Natural Fusions hair range since last year as part of my hair routine. Read on for more information on the range and details of my favourites for natural type 4 hair.

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Washday Routine for Type 4 Natural Hair

Today I’m sharing my wash day routine. The steps of my wash day routine rarely change but the products that I use do change from time to time based on what I have in my stash or any new finds. 
Also, I generally wash my hair weekly though sometimes twice a week if…

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