High Protein Smoothie Bowl

I love a good protein smoothie post workout and this one is my latest concoction. It’s very quick to make and is loaded with essential nutrients - protein, carbs and healthy fats to help you recover after training.


Impact Whey Isolate Benefits

The majority of the protein in this smoothie is from the addition of MyProtein Impact Whey Isolate. Whey is the liquid left behind from milk being processed into yogurt and cheeses. It is basically fast digesting proteins and it’s used to make whey protein concentrate as well as Impact Whey Isolate.

Impact Whey Isolate has the higher protein content (90%) of the two and also has low sugar, less lactose and no fat content per serving. Plus, it contains essential amino acids like BCAAs (branch chain amino acids that naturally occur in protein) which helps with muscle maintenance and growth post workout.

When I first started training I used to use flavoured whey concentrate protein powders but found most of them tasted pretty artificial and were loaded with sweeteners. Hubby recommended Myprotein Impact Whey Isolate (Unflavoured) to me a few years back and I’ve been using it ever since as you can create your own flavour by simply adding fruits like bananas, mangoes or berries or even dairy-free alternative milks like almond or cashew etc.  

Also, if you are sensitive to dairy you might find Impact Whey Isolate upsets your stomach less than standard Whey Protein (at least that’s what I’ve found :) due to the lower lactose content). If you are thinking of trying out MyProtein you can get up to 35% off selected items including vitamins and supplements with the code AMBITION, this offer runs from 10.06.19 to 07.01.2020.

Try this high protein smoothie bowl post workout to help with your fitness goals!



  • ½ banana (sliced)

  • 1 handful mixed nuts (cashew, brazil nuts, almonds and walnuts)

  • 1 tbsp sainsbury’s freefrom oats


  1. Place all frozen mango, banana, impact whey isolate, almond butter and coconut water in Nutribullet cup and blend for 30 seconds until creamy.

  2. Pour into a bowl and add toppings.

  3. Enjoy!

This high protein smoothie tastes so good! The banana and almond butter really stand out and it’s very filling too.

Tip: you could swap coconut water out for homemade almond milk (recipe coming soon…) to make it even creamier.

Let me know if you try this High Protein Smoothie and tag @naturallykrista in your recreations! Don’t forget to check out my Protein Punch Smoothie too.

Thanks for stopping by!

Krista x

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