Feel MultiVitamins Review - WeAreFeel

I usually take multivitamins daily and regularly add various superfood powders to my smoothies. Whilst pregnant I took a multivitamin daily to help ensure I had the essential vitamins and minerals such as Folic Acid - at the time I opted for seven seas pregnancy tablets which were suitable for all stages of pregnancy and continued taking a supplement postpartum as well as vitamin D supplement which is essential for healthy bones, heart and overall immunity. Wearefeel kindly gifted me a month’s supply of Feel multivitamins to try out, read on for more information on this new multi-vitamin innovation…

What’s in Feel Multivitamins?

Feel multivitamins are vegan, allergen-free, gluten-free, halal, kosher and non-gmo. The capsules are made here in the UK and contain 33 ingredients, a mixture of vitamins like biotin, folic acid, vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, C,D, E and K together with minerals (notably calcium, iron and selenium) as well as botanicals grapeseed extract, reishi mushrooms, spirulina and turmeric. The formula also contains bioperine - a clinically proven and patented technology to help boost the bio-availability (absorption) of nutrients. These work together to help strengthen hair, skin, nails, boost energy, immunity and aids digestion so you feel better every day.

How to take Feel multivitamins 

Feel recommend taking two capsules every morning with or after food. Personally I prefer to take a vitamin after food as this aids absorption. 

How does Feel Multivitamin Subscription work?

Feel have essentially reinvented vitamins by offering a monthly subscription service via free contactless letterbox delivery in a biodegradable pouch for just £11.95 per month which can be easily paused or cancelled. I am well versed in beauty and hair subscription boxes and services so it’s great to see something similar in the health space - great way to remember vitamins and help ensure you don’t run out! I really like the resealable pouch which the Feel vitamins come in, the fast delivery and blend of vitamins and botanicals used too. You can even open the capsules and add the contents to a smoothie before blending! Whilst I cannot comment on the results just yet and there are a number of other factors like diet and exercise which influence healthy hair, healthy skin and so on, taking a multivitamin always help make me feel good… If you fancy trying out Feel multivitamins you can save on your first month’s subscription here.

Do you take multivitamins? Which ones do you take? Let me know in the comments…

Thanks for stopping by!

Krista x

*post contains gifted samples and affiliate links